How Much to Charge for a Yoga Retreat

How Much to Charge for a Yoga Retreat?

Yoga retreats continue to grow in popularity, providing an immersive experience for students to deepen their practice. With so many options, from budget-friendly local weekends to lavish international journeys, determining pricing can be a challenge. How do you set a rate that covers costs and feels fair for attendees, while remaining competitive?

In this post, we will explore the key factors to consider when deciding how much to charge for a yoga retreat. Whether you are an instructor planning your first retreat or a veteran, let’s discover how to price your offering in today’s market.

Factors to Consider When Pricing a Yoga Retreat

How Much to Charge for a Yoga Retreat

Length of Retreat

The duration of your yoga retreat plays a major role in pricing. A weekend local retreat will be priced much lower than an extended 10–14-day international journey. Factor per person costs like accommodation, food, activities per day and multiply by the number of days.

Longer retreats may offer bulk discounts or weekly rates to incentivize extended stays. Ensure your daily rate accounts for all foreseeable expenses and leaves room for profit.

Location (Local, Domestic, International)

Where your yoga retreat takes place also affects pricing. A getaway in your nearest town involves lower travel costs than hosting overseas. Consider if there are venue rental fees, the average cost of lodging and food in the area, and required insurance/permits based on location.

Domestic retreats should factor in ground transportation, while international locations need to include flights. Understandably, far-flung destinations like Bali or Costa Rica come at a premium price point.


Accommodation options must be weighed when costing out a yoga retreat. Will students stay in private rooms or share a room? Does camping or dorm-style bunking fit the retreat vision? Luxury or budget? Location plays a role too – urban hotels are generally pricier than rural Airbnb’s.

Decide what lodging best suits the retreat experience. Factor if linens, toiletries, Wi-Fi etc. are included. Consider offering tiers like basic shared rooms vs upgraded private rooms for an added cost.


Food and dining play a huge part in the yoga retreat experience. Determine how many meals are included per day. Is it primarily homestyle communal meals at the retreat center or dining at local restaurants? Are ingredients sourced from nearby farms or markets to highlight the region?

Factor estimated grocery and dining costs per person into your budget. Also consider if providing special diet options like vegan, gluten-free, or ayurvedic incurs additional expenses. The food offerings should match the retreat vision and price point.

Additional Activities

Yoga retreats often incorporate activities like excursions, sports, massage and more. Will you offer any extras beyond daily yoga sessions?

For example, a surf and yoga retreat requires accounting for board rentals and instruction. A hiking retreat needs to budget for park fees and gear. Massage add-ons should cover costs of bringing in specialists. If no activities are included, make that clear so attendees can budget accordingly. Additional activities raise the price, so factor in all related expenses.

Teacher Fees

Some retreats invite high-profile yoga teachers to lead programs, which comes at a cost. Teacher fees can range from $500-$1000 per day or more. Factor in travel, lodging, meals and any other compensation for guest teachers.

For budget retreats, look for teachers local to the destination who don’t require airfare. Make sure to promote headlining teachers, as their reputation can help justify and sell higher priced retreats.

Transportation Costs

Determine if transportation costs like airport transfers, ground shuttles or commute to yoga sites will be covered by the retreat fees. For a retreat requiring flights, consider including airport pickup in the price, or provide recommendations on local taxis/transfers.

If activities like day trips are involved, factor in group transport rentals and fuel. Being transparent about covered transportation vs out-of-pocket costs helps attendees accurately budget. Promote logistical assistance as an advantage of your all-inclusive retreat.

Profit Margin

Of course, the goal of hosting a yoga retreat is turning a respectable profit! After tallying all expenses, consider your minimum profit needs and set pricing accordingly. Research suggests pricing at 2.5-3x your basic costs.

But also factor in your experience, reputation and vision when assessing the value of your offerings. An in-demand expert teacher leading a luxurious Costa Rica retreat can likely charge far more than a basic beachfront weekend. Define your profit motivations upfront to price for success.

Calculate Your Costs

How Much to Charge for a Yoga Retreat

1. Detail major costs like accommodation, food, teacher fees, transportation

When calculating your total costs, start by detailing the major expenses associated with running your Yoga Retreat. Some big-ticket items to factor in per person:

  • Accommodation costs like venue or room rental fees. Don’t forget staffing costs if at a private facility.
  • Food expenses, including ingredients, kitchen staffing, equipment rentals, restaurant meals depending on your offerings.
  • Teacher fees for yourself and any visiting instructors you hire. Be sure to account for travel costs.
  • Transportation like airport transfers, local shuttles, group commute to yoga sites.

Tally up these major costs per person for the duration of the retreat. This provides a bulk estimate that other costs can be added onto. Remember to estimate high – it’s easier to reduce than raise prices later!

2. Factor in minor costs like marketing, supplies, insurance, credit card fees

  • Marketing – Advertising, website hosting, email services, social media.
  • Insurance fees – Ensure you have proper liability and trip insurance.
  • Permits, licenses, taxes – Varies by retreat location.
  • Staff – Other than teachers, do you need admin, food prep, drivers?
  • Supplies – Yoga props, furniture rentals, signage, decor, amenities.
  • Credit card and refund processing fees.

These minor but essential costs add up! Be sure to estimate generously so they are covered. Also budget a miscellaneous cost buffer for last-minute expenses. By factoring in ALL foreseeable expenses, you put yourself in a position to turn a profit when pricing your yoga retreat.

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